Tell me, do you know your WHY?
Why are you here? Why do you wake up in the morning? Why do you live? Why do you do what you do?
If you haven’t got the slightest idea, I recommend you watch Simon Sinek’s TED talk video. In that video, he was able to explain the importance in knowing your why.
Knowing your why gives your life a deeper meaning. It’s not enough that you know your WHAT and HOW, knowing your why is what gives sense to what you do with your life and how you live your life.
Let me tell you about my WHY —
In a few hours, I’ll be turning 34. Do I fear growing old? No. Growing old alone – perhaps, a little bit. My greatest fear is not living the life that I am meant to live, a purpose-driven life.
Countless times, I’ve asked myself WHY I’m here. I am sure, as hell, that I’m NOT here just to pay the bills and work a 9-5 job. My life is meant for something bigger and that’s a fact.
Why am I here?
To live the life that I love — an exciting life with stories worth sharing, a life that will inspire even just one human being to create the life that he/she wants.
I want to do things that will contribute to the good of humanity. I want my life story to encourage people to chase their dreams and make things happen.
A life filled with empathy and compassion —
To give more and expect less;
To live on less so I can have more;
To see the good in everyone;
To forgive and to love again.
I’m sharing with you my vision board to show you the kind of life that I want for myself. My vision — to find home with the last love of my life, to leave this world better than I found it, and to create the future as I see it while loving life in the process.
It took me a while to know my why. I had to go through restless nights and gazillion thoughts running inside my head. It was, and at times still is, frustrating to say the least. It was a process that I needed to follow, trusting Universe that eventually, everything will make sense and everything will fall into place.
To know your WHY, take the time to look within and identify the things that you love doing, things you are great at and getting paid for, and things that the world needs the most.
Prepare for the answers that you seek and let it find you. Don’t waste any more of your time chasing temporary things. Live for something bigger, something that will nurture your soul, something that will liberate you.
Don’t be afraid to be different and to hell with what other people think. Different is what makes you who you are. You have your own definition of happiness and your own measure of success. It’s time to create the life that you want and love the life you live.
Life is short. Before you know it, you’re already 60 and the things you wanted to do, but didn’t, came with the years and passed you by. You can’t buy back time so I beg you not to live a life full of regrets.