August 22, 2015 at approximately 7:00pm, I witnessed a bittersweet conversation between 2 guys — Miquel and Teddy:
Miquel: It’s time. I have to go to the bus station now. (Miquel spent 17 days in Sucre, which was longer than planned, so it was time for him to continue on with his journey).
Teddy: It’s hard to say goodbye to you. I may never see you again as this may be the end for us.
Miquel: How many times have you done this? Saying goodbye to people you meet on the road?
Teddy: Thousands of times. People always leave. Sigh.
The conversation ended with a hug. Miquel and Teddy became good friends after spending hours and days at the same hostel. I became close to both guys and it was hard to see either one of them leave and goodbyes never get easy but you’ll just get used to it.
It’s been more than 2 months since I left Manila. 2 months, 2 countries and one valuable realization that definitely hit a soft spot in my heart —
How everyone you meet on the road has an expiration date (and I don’t mean death).
It is a cycle starting with you staying in a city for a few weeks or longer, meeting new friends, making the best memories of your life with shared moments, and then with a snap of a finger, it’s over. That as much as you want to stay longer and create more memories, you know that either one of you has to start moving again at one point.
It is emotionally stressful to see friends leave one after the other but soon enough, it will be your turn. You’d once again be excited about exploring new places and meeting new people but at the same time, feel sad about leaving the people you made good connections with, and all you’re left to do is hope for the best, for good people and good things to come along the way, and for that next group of travelers you’d be encountering to have as much of a good energy as the last one.
To live a life on the road is bittersweet. You get to see amazing views, collect unforgettable experiences, and encounter extraordinary people but on the other hand, everything in your life is temporary. People will easily come and go.
Some will surely make an impression, some you won’t want to see again and some will make a lasting memory. You cannot be selfish and stop them from leaving, and you may or may not see them again but know that there’s always a reason why your paths crossed.
To everyone I met and will be meeting on the road, know that each of you made an impact in my life. I started this journey as a wandering soul, perfectly clueless as to what the life on the road will turn out, but I know in the end, everything will make sense like how each one of you fit like puzzle pieces and created a bigger picture of my life.
Until then, safe travels my friends. Salute!
“The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Hi! Your friend Liz Sarte recommended your blog to me. After I told her what I really wanted to pursue she said I reminded her of you. Im also in the marketing industry – project manager for events actually. Hahaha. And Ive been into photography for a long time. But like most people in this industry – there’s never enough time. Id also like to travel and tell stories using my photos. I hope I will have the opportunity to take a leap as you did. Until then I just need to save up. Your stories are an inspiration. Just know that today, you definitely made a difference.
Hello Haide! 🙂 thank you for your comment, very much appreciated!
If this is something that you really want, something that you’ve been thinking about for a long time and couldn’t get it out of your head…then I encourage you to go and follow your heart but also, be smart about it. It’s not all fun and easy once you start living the life on the road but it will be rewarding…that I can assure you.
I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have…send me an email to this address –
Remember, once you make a decision…the universe will conspire to make it happen.